2024 archive of Pastors Desk

2024 archive of Pastors Desk

Mensaje del párroco el domingo 6 de octubre de 2024

Posted by Anthony Aruanna on 10/10/24

In English Por mucho que me gustaría centrarme sólo en los asuntos pastorales de nuestra parroquia, esta vez necesito explicar algunos asuntos pendientes que afectan a toda la Diócesis de Rockville Centre, y por tanto, a todos los católicos de Long Island. Estoy seguro de que la mayoría de ... Read More »

Message from the pastor on Sunday, October 6, 2024

Posted by Anthony Aruanna on 10/10/24

En Español As much as I would like to focus only on the pastoral issues of our parish, this time I need to explain some pending issues that touch the entire Diocese of Rockville Centre, hence, all the Catholics on Long Island. I am sure that most of you ... Read More »

Del escritorio del párroco en el 18º domingo del tiempo ordinario, año B

Posted by Anthony Aruanna on 8/18/24

Descargar   In English Mucha gente me pregunta cómo estoy y "qué sigue" con mi enfermedad. Por el momento, nada ha cambiado. Sigo paralizado de cintura para abajo. Como pueden ver y oír, puedo funcionar en la silla de ruedas y trabajar como párroco de la parroquia. Estoy muy ... Read More »

From pastor’s desk on the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time, year B

Posted by Anthony Aruanna on 8/18/24

Download   En Español Many people ask me how I am doing and "what’s next" with my condition. For the time being nothing has changed. I am still paralyzed from the waist down. As you can see and hear I can function in the wheelchair and work as a ... Read More »


Posted by Anthony Aruanna on 3/30/24

Download Do we still need to hear about the Resurrection of Jesus? What does it change in our lives?—Each Easter we should ask ourselves these questions, for on them we will build our faith in Jesus Christ. In the First Letter to the Corinthians Saint Paul wrote, "If there ... Read More »

Blessing of our Parochial School and Convent

Posted by Anthony Aruanna on 3/30/24

fig. Blessing of new parochial school and convent of St. Joseph the Worker Parish in East Patchogue took place Sunday. Pictured from left to right are the Rev. Jere J. Dineen, pastor of the church; the Rev. F. Leo Cunningham, pastor of St. Francis de Sales R. C. Church, ... Read More »

Palm Sunday 2024

Posted by Anthony Aruanna on 3/23/24

This Sunday we enter the most sacred time of the year. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, which holds a twofold meaning. First, the readings focus on the triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem and then we immediately proceed with the reading of the Passion of our Lord. The ... Read More »

A Lenten Reflection through the Franciscan Lens

Posted by Anthony Aruanna on 3/01/24

In preparing for Lent, I went to the writings of St. Francis in the early Rule. I wanted to ponder his choice of poverty as a way to imitate Christ and to guide his life and in turn to influence my own. In the Rule St. Francis writes to the ... Read More »


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