992 N Village Ave, Rockville Centre, NY 11570


Christmas Letter
December 23, 2024
Last Christmas, we celebrated the 800th anniversary of that
glorious and historic night when St. Francis of Assisi
arranged the first Nativity creche scene in a small cave
outside the Italian village of Greccio in Italy. St. Francis
was inspired to do this after visiting the historical place
of Christ's birth on a pilgramage to the Holy Land...

Hearing in Bankruptcy Court
September 26, 2024
The Diocese of Rockville Centre and its related ministries
are grateful that preliminary terms have been agreed upon
for the settlement of our bankruptcy case. For the sake of
survivors and the Church's mission on Long Island, we pray
that the plan is approved and completed as
quickly as possible...

Wishing You A Blessed Easter
Most Reverend John O. Barres
Happy Easter to you and your families! Thank you for
your love for the inspired Word of God. Thank you for
your love for the Resurrection appearances of our Lord
in this Easter season and the way your lives are set on fire
in your meditation and contemplation of these mysteries...