Prayer For The School Card

Prayer For The School


We cry out to you on behalf of [school name].

We know that this community, these families, and this school are grieving and broken.

We know that you are close to them and ask that you would reveal your compassion and care for them in this horrific time.

We pray for hope not to be lost.

We pray against the fears of those involved and the long journey ahead for these individuals.

Please help them to find comfort in You, the Great Comforter.

Help the church body surround them and show great lengths of kindness and support.

We pray that you would guide the counselors speaking with the victim’s family members and other students.

Help them to have the words to say and the ears to listen to those who are hurting and scared.

God, please drive out the spirit of fear.

Help this community to know that they are seen.

We pray for moments of peace and special blessings from you in the devastation.

Move spiritually in a time where the enemy meant evil and turn it for good and Your glory.
