Hope and Its Enemies
As a new year begins, it’s natural to look to the future with
a sense of hope. But for Catholics, the Holy Year 2025 presents
a unique opportunity to explore and cultivate hope — and to
examine what makes it so difficult to hold onto. Most of us
know that hope is not wishful thinking or optimism. It does not
lead us into delusion, or comfort us with false promises or

Official Logo of Jubilee Unveiled
Deborah Castellano Lubov
The official Logo of the upcoming Jubilee due to be
held in 2025 has been unveiled. In a press conference
held on Tuesday in the Sala Regia of the Vatican's
Apostolic Palace, the Vatican revealed the official Logo
for the upcoming Jubilee year. The then-Pontifical
Council for the New Evangelization, now contained
within the new Dicastery for Evangelization...